Hi everyone,I know it's been a while, but here is what I've got. I went on a cross country excursion. I spent the weekend in Orlando FL. As many of you may know, this is Woody's adopted home. After much searching over 2+ days, I found lots of evidence of "Buzz lightyear" but none of Woody. We had fun and it wasn't a wasted trip per se, but now were back and focused on the task at had.
All was quiet while I was gone. Again the terrorists have gone underground. We've got some ideas to lure them out, but seeing as we were gone, we didn't have time to work on our plan.

As you may also remember, Sponge Bob and Raggedy Anne showed up last week. Sponge Bob still hasn't said anything. As you can tell by the look on his face he's been through alot. I fear he may be suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or P.T.S.D. All he does when I pull his tongue is sit and shake.
And finally, we had a
CONFIRMED Woody sighting in the building. Upon immediate investigation, it turned out to be a false alarm.

Also, don't forget you can sign up for an e-mail update to find out everytime I update this page!
Every nation must make a choice: We can support the moderates and reformers working for change, or we can yield the future to the terrorists and extremists. We have made our choice - we're standing with the moderates and reformers.