"Hey, w-wait, What happened?"

That's right folks, it's snow. This can only mean that winter, and therefore ski season, is right around the corner. As the ski season gets closer, and since we have and will continue to steadfastly refuse to negotiate with terrorists, what we are afraid of is that the terrorists will start to get desperate. And who knows what desperate men are capable of? Still, even with the weather change, we will continue out timetable and continue to follow our road map to peace.
We still have difficult work ahead. I wish I could tell you that the violence is waning and that the road ahead will be smooth. It will not. There will be more tough fighting and more days of struggle -- and we will see more images of chaos and carnage in the days and months to come. The terrorists are losing on the field of battle, so they are fighting this war through the pictures we see on television and in the newspapers every day. They're hoping to shake our resolve and force us to retreat. They are not going to succeed.
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